Sunday, 22 September 2013

The Great Wall

stone upon stone upon stone
upon mountains
of stone upon stone

assailed by mongrels
and monsoons,
by warriors, wind and wandering

standing still
stillness standing

in the village
each brick laid by hands
and heart to shelter
and save the spirit
of children protected
by labour from labour

the donkey lies at peace
as the dog, alert, patrols
the straw of his rest
out of love for the hooves
that never, that never…

into the valley of earth
the walls, the world, engulfing, embracing
the small lives of beasts
upon the earth, within
the earth, beyond the reach
of wind, the lash of cold, the fist
of heat

three old men as crevassed as
the dirt beneath their eroding bench
grin, not a tooth among them, and deny the chance
to have their image taken
from them
only themselves
together on the bench
in the sun
in the valley
in the clean dirt
of the earth

quiet now
the last steps up the hill alone past stages, acts,
theatre of man and woman and child
upon the snow crusted earth of the worn path
towards the old school

the partridge awakes, shocking the solitude
with thunder flight from this moment of earth


the ancient walls appear
earth and stone and school,
school no more,
though the chalk on the wall testifies
children once learned here,
learn here still,
that walls crumble and fall

fall down
in a world divided

by a great wall

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